Major crypto exchanges announced their support for Terra 2.0

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Major crypto exchanges announced their support for Terra 2.0

Reputable cryptocurrency exchanges including Binance, FTX,, Huobi, Bitfinex, Bybit, Bitrue, Kucoin and Gate io announced their support for the release of Terra 2.0 Blockchain. The mentioned exchanges collaborated with the Terra team after the publication of proposal 1623 by the CEO of Terraform Labs.

This proposal was made to revive Luna’s fallen ecosystem. Under the provisions of proposal 1623, the Terraform Labs team will launch a new blockchain called Terra 2.0. Accordingly, the previous Terra blockchain will also be renamed the Terra Classic.

According to Propsal, the current holders of Terra Classic will be able to receive the new airdrop. All holders who already hold Luna in their exchange wallet will be eligible for AirDrop. The Terra development team has announced that the token supply for Terra 2.0 network will be 116.7 million tokens, which will grow to 182 million in next year. The exact distribution details of the new LUNA token have been shared by Terra’s Twitter account as follows:

Community pool: 30%

Pre-attack $ LUNA holders: 35%

Pre-attack aUST holders: 10%

Post-attack $ LUNA holders:10%

Post-attack UST holders: 15%


Source: Terra Twitter account,

Read more:Death of Luna


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