Monero’s Tail Emission Launched!

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Monero’s Tail Emission Launched!


Monero team announced the launch of its Tail Emission feature. The tail emission will provide 0.6 XMR as a reward to miners for each block generated on the network in contrast to other blockchains. Simply put, a tail emission is an endless subsidy of block rewards, meaning that the block rewards will no longer drop to zero. Due to the high cost of mining equipment, Tail emission fully guarantees the profitability of mining.

This feature will essentially deflate XMR by making the supply of the coin completely predictable and known to everyone. Limiting supply makes the network less susceptible to inflation, but it does not mean that it will not be affected by devaluation. The main reason why the tail emission makes the network secure is the network’s independence from users’ transaction fees.

For those who may not be familiar with Monero (XMR), concisely, Monero is a fully automated system of nodes and miners that perform hashing activities to verify transaction legitimacy and preserve the blockchain’s security. Computers known as nodes and miners keep and use a copy of Monero’s blockchain. Both nodes and miners have responsibilities to enable and validate transaction validity.


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Source: The Pipsafe Team (CryptoCurrencies List)

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