Network Outages Continue to Be the Solana Network’s Biggest Challenge, According to Co-founder

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Network Outages Continue to Be the Solana Network’s Biggest Challenge, According to Co-founder


Launched in 2020, the Solana network has suffered a series of network outages due to various congestion and spam events, according to co-founder Anatoly Yakovenko. In an interview with Real Vision co-founder Raoul Pal, Yakovenko said the network outages had been Solana’s “curse,” but said the outages were due to the network’s low-cost transactions. Although the outages left users unable to use the network, Solana’s CEO said the network itself was not compromised. He also argued that each blockchain is built differently and has its own failures. According to him, even when the Bitcoin network’s block generation interrupted for two hours in the past, it was considered normal. [Bitcoin] was designed to be very resilient […] There was a two-hour gap between Bitcoin blocks when a bunch of Chinese hash power shut down . That’s perfectly fine,” he explained, adding that the same production halt would be seen as a failure for Solana:

“Solana is designed to create a block every 400ms, so if there are two hours between blocks, the network is dead.”



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