The Original Turtle Trading Rules

The Original Turtle Trading Rules

I’ve been trading and hanging around trading circles since high school. One of the sad realities of the trading industry, and the futures trading industry in particular, is that there are far more people making money selling others’ systems and “ways to make money trading,” than there are people actually making money trading.
I won’t go into specifics here, but those of us who actually trade for a living know the names of many “famous traders” who are famous as “traders,” but that don’t make money as traders.

They make money selling new trading systems, seminars, home study courses, etc. Most of these so called “experts” can’t trade and don’t trade the systems that they sell.  Yes, this is also true of those selling the Turtle Trading Rules. Consider the major sellers: the first, a web site,, and the second, a former turtle. Here’s what they won’t tell you:

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Reply famous traders Says
4 3

take it easy! market is very dangerous.. only see forex as gambling or game for fun, not some things more.

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Reply david yobvb Says
2 4

Yes you are trust trade in forex is very difficult

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Reply Forex & You! Says
3 3

What thing you are like Tell?! you mean: trusting forex market is very difficult? Yes ? As my idea Forex is not A Job, is some things for fun ,like bet like swimming! some time mans die in swimming! :) like Forex! but in forex not some time! but also most of time die margin & capital of His Life! avoid it if you are not see it as Fun(like bet)!

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