A former Tik Tok executive founded a blockchain-focused gaming company!

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A former Tik Tok executive founded a blockchain-focused gaming company!


Tik Tok – Jason Fung, the former manager of the gaming division of Tik Tok, has launched a gaming startup focused on blockchain and Web 3. The company named Metao focuses on providing blockchain-agnostic solutions. Metao allows Web-3 game developers to not be limited to just one blockchain and one type of ecosystem that depends on a particular token. Metao tries to increase interoperability between different blockchain. It also avoids the segregation faced by many startups when trying to implement their games in one chain associated with the token ecosystem. Concerning this matter, Jason Fung stated:

“Right now, if you look at any developer when they implement NFTs or blockchain in their games, they have to choose a single blockchain, be it Polygon or Solana or Binance Smart Chain. But imagine a more interoperable option.”

The company has developed a technology that allows developers to publish their games using available blockchains. Accordingly, users can store their tokens and items in their favorite ones. Jason Fung believes that Metao allows users to build their game leveraging strengths of different blockchains.


Source: www.bitcoin.com

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