Daily Technical Analysis (EUR/USD , GBP/USD)


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Today's important Forex market news (2016.10.14)

Today's important Forex market news - Nothing lasts forever and that’s especially so in FX markets. The dollar was a little more circumspect yesterday, reversing from the 98.00...

BOE's Governor Carney speech, FxPro Forex Broker, important Forex market news, Monthly Budget Statement, Retail Sales control group, Retail Sales ex Autos (MoM), Reuters/Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index, Today's important Forex market news, Trade Balance n.s.a., Trade Balance s.a.

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ECB President Draghi's Speech

ECB President Draghi's Speech - The start of the week is seeing sterling breaking lower as the talk, from both the UK and also beyond, is of a ‘hard Brexit’. This follows on...

BoC Governor Poloz Speech, BoJ Monetary Policy Meeting Minutes, Dallas Fed Manufacturing Business Index, ECB President Draghi's Speech, FxPro Forex Broker, Fxpro Forex Broker (Review and Forex Rebates Up to 85%), New Home Sales Change, SNB Chairman Jordan Speech

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Forex News (2016.08.08)

Forex News - The Nonfarm payroll (NFP) figure released last Friday rose by 255.000 in July, far surpassing the expectation of 180.000. Meanwhile, the figure in June was revised...

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