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Daily Technical Analysis (EUR/USD , GBP/USD)

[text]Daily Technical Analysis (EUR/USD , GBP/USD)Source: Fxpro Forex BrokerPivot: 1.106Most Likely Scenario: Short positions below 1.106 with targets @ 1.095...

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Forex Brokers News ( FXPRO BROKER)

[text]Forex Brokers News ( FXPRO BROKER)Margin requirements for all Swiss Franc (‘CHF’) pairs will be decreased to 1%.In other words you will be able to trade all CHF...

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Gold Pivot Point 15 April , 2015

[text]Gold Pivot Point 15 April , 2015Gold spot Intraday: capped by a negative trend line.Pivot: 1197Most Likely Scenario: Short positions below 1197 with targets...

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