Today’s important market news (2016.04.28)


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Daily Markets Brief (2016.07.14)

Daily Markets Brief   - There are a lot of ‘kids’ out there who have never seen a rate move from the Bank of England who may well be seeing their first one today. The...

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It’s all about Brexit (2016.06.21)

It’s all about Brexit - There was no escaping the size of the sterling surge yesterday, with cable seeing the biggest 1-day move since mid-December 2008. The rally was built on...

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Central Banks Holding Back (2016.06.15)

Central Banks Holding Back - There is only one direction in markets at present and that’s avoiding risk at nearly all costs. The fall below zero on the 10 year German...

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Daily Forex Analysis (2016.06.10)

Daily Forex Analysis - The single currency was feeling the pain yesterday on the back of comments from ECB President Draghi, who was again underlining the ability of the ECB to...

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Today's important market news

Today's important market news - Friday’s US employment report failed to offer much in the way of resolving the current state of flux in FX markets. Expectations of further...

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